
Enriching the Lives of Homebound Seniors 

Adam Hauser


Adam Hauser

President and CEO, Meals on Wheels Central Texas



What is your history with Husch Blackwell?

I started my law career at the Brown McCarroll firm in Austin, Texas, in 1985 and practiced there my entire career until 2017, when I left the firm (then, Husch Blackwell) to join the non-profit world. During my 32-year career as a lawyer, I enjoyed representing all kinds of clients, primarily in real estate transactions, and leading the firm in various management positions, including as Managing Partner of Brown McCarroll when it merged with Husch Blackwell in 2013. At the time of my withdrawal from the firm, I was a partner in the Healthcare industry team representing healthcare industry clients in real estate matters.

Describe your current community service role.

I am the President and CEO of Meals on Wheels Central Texas (MOWCTX) and have been in that role since April of 2017. As President and CEO, I lead a 49-year-old, $20 million non-profit of approximately 400 staff members and 6,500 volunteers. Our mission is to nourish and enrich the lives of homebound seniors through a platform of holistic services and programs that promote dignity and independence.

What prompted you to get involved in this particular community service?

Inspired by a close relationship with my grandmother, for whom food was a vehicle for conveying love, I volunteered to deliver meals in the late '80s as a young lawyer. I’ve always had an affinity toward working with seniors and firmly believe that the moral fabric of society is best measured by how we treat the vulnerable in our midst, so, caring for our elderly neighbors in need was an easy choice for me. After all, they worked hard and paved the way for our success; it’s time for us to give back and take care of them. Plus, because I had a long history with MOWCTX, as a volunteer (since 1988, delivering meals), donor and member of its board of directors for many years, it was an honor and privilege to be offered the CEO position and the opportunity to lead this great agency.

What kind of results have you been able to see?

Our organization has had an incredible impact on the lives of homebound seniors in our community. As the recipients of services spanning home-delivered and medically tailored meals, in-home assistance with daily living activities, repairs to their homes, and even pet food and veterinary care for their beloved pets, thousands of seniors in our community are no longer malnourished and have been able to age in place safely at home and live with dignity and independence.

We are also seeing great results as the rapidly changing healthcare industry begins to focus on reducing costs and improving health outcomes by collaborating with community-based organizations like MOWCTX that provide low-cost, innovative and evidence-based interventions (e.g., medically tailored meals) that address the social determinants of a senior’s health.

What kind of time commitment is this for you?

My position is a full-time one as the leader of our professional staff and organization, and I am accountable to a volunteer board of directors. I am working just as hard if not harder than I did as a partner at Husch Blackwell, and it’s been a real joy and very gratifying to help so many people in need every day!

What influence did HB have on your current career in the non-profit sector?

I am grateful to my colleagues and friends in the law practice and the firms I was fortunate to work with during my legal career, as those relationships, skills and experiences have all been invaluable to my success in the non-profit world. I am also very grateful to the Austin office of Husch Blackwell under the leadership of Office Managing Partner Lorinda Holloway, which has supported our agency with its talents (HB partner Julian Rivera serves on our Board of Directors), its time (many of the staff and lawyers in the Husch Blackwell Austin office have volunteered by delivering meals to seniors in our community for many years), and its treasure (the firm and many of its staff/lawyers have contributed financially to MOWCTX over the years). If you are interested in supporting our mission, please visit our website and feel free to contact me anytime by phone at 737.218.4124 or by email.