The average mine operator now spends over $20,000 per year on citations and penalties. In this must-attend conference, learn how to reduce or eliminate fines with the added benefit of improved safety conditions. Within the context of increasing citations, this workshop will prepare you to handle Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) inspectors and their findings.
This two-and-a-half day workshop includes breakfast and lunch and will cover:
- Legal and procedural processes of field inspections
- The anatomy of a citation and how and why to challenge it
- Necessary skills for mine operators and representatives to challenge an MSHA citation
Tuesday, September 13
8:45 a.m. | Registration
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. | Program
Wednesday, September 14
8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. | Program
6:30 p.m. | Networking dinner
Thursday, September 15
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | Program
Who Should Attend
Presidents, CEOs, vice presidents, managers, supervisors/superintendents, forepersons, chief financial officers, mining engineers, safety and health directors, attorneys, human resource directors, and any other salaried/management personnel who interact with MSHA inspectors.
Workshop Cost
The fee of $900 includes:
- Networking dinner on Wednesday, September 14
- Two-and-a-half day program
- Written presentation materials
- Breakfast and lunch
- Hands-on instruction from three seasoned MSHA litigators
Donna Pryor, Partner, Husch Blackwell
Mark Savit, Chief Executive Officer, Predictive Compliance
Hotel Options
If you are traveling to Denver for this workshop, please click here to view a list of recommended local hotels.
Registration is requested by September 2. Space is limited; please register early.
Commitment to Safety
Husch Blackwell continues to be committed to safeguarding the health and wellbeing of our attendees, staff, and vendors by creating a safe, inclusive, and positive event experience. As part of that commitment, we ask you to evaluate your health prior to the event and cancel if you are experiencing any COVID-19 symptom and/or have known exposure to a positive COVID-19 case in the 10 days prior to the event. Exception is made if you have tested negative twice in the previous 24–36-hour period using a Rapid Antigen COVID-19 test and wear a mask over your mouth and nose at all times at the event. We support those who choose to wear a mask and encourage masks to be worn when the CDC tracked COVID-19 community levels are medium or high. We will adapt our procedures and communicate updates as guidance evolves. By registering to attend this event you agree to comply with Husch Blackwell’s Commitment to Safety as listed above.
Contact Morgan Buciumean at 303.749.7281.